Quotes: Karma Quotes

Karma Quotes

  1.  "Karma is the echo of our intentions reverberating through the corridors of the universe."
  2. "In the ledger of life, karma keeps the accounts of our deeds."
  3. "Karma is the silent teacher, delivering its lessons through the experiences we create."
  4. "The river of karma flows ceaselessly, carrying the consequences of our actions downstream."
  5. "Karma is the mirror reflecting our past, shaping our present, and influencing our future."
  6. "What we sow in the garden of life, we reap as karma's harvest."
  7. "Karma is the invisible thread weaving the tapestry of our destiny."
  8. "In the theater of existence, karma is the playwright scripting our roles."
  9. "Karma reminds us that every action has a reaction, a consequence."
  10. "The dance of karma continues, the steps choreographed by our choices."
  11. "Karma is the cosmic balance, the scales that weigh our actions."
  12. "In the symphony of life, karma is the melody that harmonizes all souls."
  13. "Karma is the compass guiding us through the labyrinth of moral choices."
  14. "Our thoughts are the architects, our actions the builders; karma is the blueprint of our destiny."
  15. "Karma is the universal law that ensures justice, even when the world seems unjust."
  16. "The ripples of karma spread far and wide, touching shores we may never see."
  17. "Karma is the silent force that whispers, 'As you sow, so shall you reap.'"
  18. "Life's canvas is painted with the colors of karma, each stroke revealing our inner masterpiece."
  19. "Karma is the grand storyteller, weaving the narrative of our lives."
  20. "The tapestry of existence is embroidered with the threads of karma."
  21. "Karma teaches us that the universe is a mirror, reflecting our own actions back to us."
  22. "Karma is the sculptor, shaping our character through the chisel of experience."
  23. "In the garden of karma, we tend to the seeds of our destiny with every choice we make."
  24. "Karma is the architect of destiny, building our future with the bricks of our actions."
  25. "Our deeds are the ink, our life the parchment; karma is the chronicle of our story."
  26. "Karma is the cosmic echo, reminding us that our actions reverberate through time."
  27. "In the grand theater of life, karma is the director, casting us in roles of our own making."
  28. "Karma is the silent judge, delivering verdicts through the impartial hand of fate."
  29. "The wheel of karma turns, spinning the threads of our lives into intricate patterns."
  30. "Karma is the mirror that reflects the truth of our inner selves."
  31. "In the realm of karma, we are both the artists and the artwork."
  32. "Karma reminds us that every act of kindness is a brushstroke on the canvas of our soul."
  33. "The ledger of karma never forgets, but it also offers the chance for redemption."
  34. "Karma is the compass that guides us back to our true selves."
  35. "Our actions are the seeds; karma is the soil that nurtures their growth."
  36. "Karma is the silent gardener, tending to the garden of our destiny."
  37. "In the grand tapestry of life, karma is the loom weaving the threads of our actions."
  38. "Karma is the cosmic mirror reflecting the truth of our intentions."
  39. "Our choices are the architects of our fate; karma is the blueprint."
  40. "Karma is the silent messenger, delivering parcels of consequence to our doorstep."
  41. "In the ledger of karma, the ink of our deeds never dries."
  42. "Karma is the silent teacher, revealing the lessons hidden within our experiences."
  43. "Our actions are the seeds; karma is the rain that nourishes them."
  44. "Karma is the eternal dance of cause and effect, woven into the fabric of existence."
  45. "In the grand theater of life, karma is the script that weaves our destiny."
  46. "Karma reminds us that the universe operates on a system of moral checks and balances."
  47. "Our choices are the notes, our life the song; karma is the melody of our existence."
  48. "Karma is the cosmic ledger, tallying our actions with impartial precision."
  49. "In the symphony of life, karma is the conductor, orchestrating our experiences."
  50. "Karma is the universal mirror, reflecting the beauty and scars of our soul."
  51. "Karma is the silent echo of our choices, resonating through the corridors of time."
  52. "Our actions are the ingredients; karma is the recipe that shapes our destiny."
  53. "In the grand tapestry of existence, karma is the thread connecting us all."
  54. "Karma is the bridge that spans the gap between our actions and their consequences."
  55. "Karma is the compass that points us toward our moral north."
  56. "Our deeds are the bricks, our life the building; karma is the architecture of our destiny."
  57. "Karma is the cosmic force that ensures justice in the grand theater of life."
  58. "In the ledger of karma, every entry is a reflection of our choices."
  59. "Karma is the silent witness to the drama of our lives."
  60. "Karma is the cosmic web, connecting all beings through the threads of cause and effect."
  61. "Our actions are the brushstrokes; karma is the canvas upon which we paint our lives."
  62. "In the grand theater of existence, karma is the stage where our stories unfold."
  63. "Karma is the silent reminder that our actions shape our destiny."
  64. "Karma is the mirror that reflects the truth of our intentions."
  65. "Our choices are the seeds; karma is the soil that determines our harvest."
  66. "Karma is the eternal accountant, keeping track of our moral balance sheet."
  67. "In the symphony of life, karma is the conductor, directing the flow of our experiences."
  68. "Karma is the cosmic law that reminds us of our interconnectedness with all beings."
  69. "Our actions are the threads, our life the tapestry; karma is the design of our destiny."
  70. "Karma is the silent architect, designing the blueprint of our lives."
  71. "Karma is the universal mirror, reflecting the essence of our soul."
  72. "In the ledger of karma, every entry is a reflection of our choices."
  73. "Karma is the silent witness to the choices we make in the theater of life."
  74. "Karma is the cosmic balance, ensuring that every action has its reaction."
  75. "Our deeds are the brushstrokes; karma is the canvas upon which we create our reality."
  76. "Karma is the compass that guides us on the path of ethical living."
  77. "In the grand theater of existence, karma is the stage where we play our roles."
  78. "Karma is the silent messenger, delivering the consequences of our actions."
  79. "Karma is the cosmic force that reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life."
  80. "Our choices are the seeds; karma is the soil that determines our harvest."
  81. "Karma is the eternal ledger, recording the deeds of our existence."
  82. "In the symphony of life, karma is the conductor, directing the flow of our experiences."
  83. "Karma is the universal law that binds us all in a web of cause and effect."
  84. "Our actions are the threads, our life the tapestry; karma is the design of our destiny."
  85. "Karma is the silent architect, designing the blueprint of our lives."
  86. "Karma is the cosmic mirror, reflecting the essence of our soul."
  87. "In the ledger of karma, every entry is a reflection of our choices."
  88. "Karma is the silent witness to the choices we make in the theater of life."
  89. "Karma is the cosmic balance, ensuring that every action has its reaction."
  90. "Our deeds are the brushstrokes; karma is the canvas upon which we create our reality."
  91. "Karma is the compass that guides us on the path of ethical living."
  92. "In the grand theater of existence, karma is the stage where we play our roles."
  93. "Karma is the silent messenger, delivering the consequences of our actions."
  94. "Karma is the cosmic force that reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life."
  95. "Our choices are the seeds; karma is the soil that determines our harvest."
  96. "Karma is the eternal ledger, recording the deeds of our existence."
  97. "In the symphony of life, karma is the conductor, directing the flow of our experiences."
  98. "Karma is the universal law that binds us all in a web of cause and effect."
  99. "Our actions are the threads, our life the tapestry; karma is the design of our destiny."
  100. "Karma is the silent architect, designing the blueprint of our lives."